Workshop I
Taller I
Workshop: Colegio Patria
In collaboration with one of the important actors in San Pedro, Colegio Patria, activities were made and took place at classrooms with students from 3rd, 4th and 6th grade. The activities answer to the different investigation areas of each group.
En colaboración con el Colegio Patria, uno de los actores importantes de la colonia, se realizaron actividades dentro de las aulas con alumnos de 3ro, 4to y 6to grado. Las actividades corresponden a las diferentes áreas de investigación de cada grupo.
Workshop II
Taller II
Workshop: Residents
The residents of the area attended the second workshop, several activities were carried out to answer certain problems detected in the research; potentially urban, technology and others. A total of 10 women attended the workshop, all as residents of the Colonia de San Pedro.
Los residentes del área asistieron al segundo taller, se realizaron varias actividades para responder ciertos temas que se manejan en la investigación; potenciales urbanos, tecnología y otros.
Asistieron un total de 10 mujeres al taller, todas como habitantes de la Colonia de San Pedro.